Thursday, 7 April 2011

Week Four B.I.T


1. why has the web grown so dramatically?

The world wide web has taken of dramatically since it's induction in 1991 with the introduction of the first web browser.

The internet has drastically impacted the business world in the last few years and this trend will certainly continue well into the future. several companies have discovered the advantages of having a presence on the internet and have successfully addressed business objectives by using their web site as part of their business strategy.
A web site can generate awareness and provide a world wide store front for your company while automating many business procedures 24 hours a day. A few characteristics of why the web has expanded are below;

* Networking
* Business information
* Service
* Remote access to employees/customers

2. What is web 2.0 and how does it differ from web 1.0?

The term 2.0 is associated with  web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just access information. By increasing what is already possible in "Web 1.0", they provide users with optimal user-interface, software and storage facilities, all through their browser. This has been called Network as platform computing. Users can provide the data that is on a Web 2.0 site and utilize complete control over selected data. These sites may have an Architecture of participation that encourages users to add value to the application as they use it.

3. How could a web 2.0 technology be used in business?

Today the business world is undergoing a significant transformation thanks to a set of technologies collectively known as "Web 2.0." Although it's tempting to dismiss Web 2.0 as Silicon Valley hype, that would be a mistake. Web 2.0 represents an important step in the evolution of Internet-based tools, and in the years ahead, it's likely to have a major impact on the way information is managed and distributed within a company.

It becomes apparent that a business would use web 2.0 to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the world wide web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and applications; such as social networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis and blog sites.This can really help a business to achieve higher growth and larger market share.

4. What is eBusiness, how does it differ from eCommerce?

While the words Commerce and Business don't have much difference in English and in fact are largely interchangeable as nouns describing organized profit-seeking activity, there is a difference between eCommerce and eBusiness.

Ebusiness is a firm which, in relation to an electronic commerce firm,conducts its day-to-day business functions over the internet and/or other electronic networks such as electronic data interchange (EDI). Electronic business includes collaborating with distributors on sales promotions, interacting with and servicing the customers, and conducting joint research with business partners.

whereas, eCommerce 
refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services. It also pertains to “any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact.” 

E-commerce is usually associated with buying and selling over the Internet, or conducting any transaction involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods or services through a computer-mediated network.

5. What is pure and partial eCommerce?

There is a subtle distinction between these two. Pure E-Commerce concerns business whose transactions are largely carried out on the Internet. For instance, my favourite commercial web site, SibeliusMusic publishes music written by members of the public. You can peruse the music, listen to it on line, then pay for it using your credit card and download it for yourself - All done on the Internet. 

"Partial E-Commerce on the other hand concerns business in which a large part of the transaction takes place in the off-line real world. Amazon, for instance, will sell you books online, but these must be stored in large 
warehouses and physically delivered through the post. 

List and describe the major B2B models?

Established Buyer-Supplier Relationship

This is a pre-determined one-to-one relationship between a buyer and supplier that is supported by electronic commerce technologies. Companies are now pursuing a more intensive and interactive relationship with their suppliers, impacting upon the buyer-supplier relationship in a number of areas, including the integration of manufacturing systems and supplier involvement in new product development

 Supplier-Oriented Marketplace
In this model, both organizations and consumers use the supplier-provided marketplace. This is the most common type of B2B model. In this model, both business buyers and individual consumers use the same supplier-provided marketplace

 Buyer-Oriented Marketplace
Under this model, a buyer opens an electronic market on its own server and invites potential suppliers to bid on the announced Requests for Quotation (RFQs). 

 Business-to-Business Intermediary
This model is sometimes referred to as a ‘hub’ or ‘exchange’. It is established by an electronic intermediary that runs a marketplace where suppliers and buyers have a central point to come together. These B2B hubs tend to focus mainly on non-core items that may range from stationery and computers to catering services and travel. There are two types of hubs:
  • Vertical - focus on an industry and provide content that is specific to the industry’s value system of buyers and suppliers. Examples include e-Steel that acts as an intermediary between steel- makers and customers, and VerticalNet that provides intermediaries for many industries including electronics, process, telecommunications, and utilities.
  • Horizontal - provide the same function for a variety of industries

8. Outline 2 opportunities and 2 challenges faced by companies doing business online

Within online business there are two main challenges that business's face

The two main opportunities business have by conducting business online are:

1. In global prospects it's hard to look past the the development of website services as a opportunity for Ebusiness

There is practically an unlimited opportunity in the area of website development around the world.
Every single business and independent professional around the world is eventually going to need a website. There is going to be a perennial demand for creative website developers for at least the next 10 years. To start this business, you need not necessarily be a website developer yourself, through this development as a business it would allow for the company at hand to become a known presence on the internet and be able to generate sales through a webpage which entail outlines what they are offering.

2. Advancement in technology to increase business growth and expenditure

within today's business world the advancements in technology are a exciting prospect and opportunity for businesses are it enables items of the business to be processed faster, tracked and created. Keeping up to date with the latest technological advancements can help a business in delivery systems for example advanced GPS signalling and tracking systems for consumers to see where abouts of products. Another major item which is identified with technology advancements would be the ability to present business prospects to not only consumers but also other companies who are interested in becoming share holders, which in turn can help the business increased it's debits.

Within online business there are two main challenges that business's face: 

1. Marketing:

marketing is one of the core essentials in the business to help them succeed in there industry of choice. challenges becomes apparent for a business owner to market there own products/services online, especially in today's day and age the internet has such a vast majority of websites and companies offering the same items, which intend makes the market place rather congested with similar products and great deals, which can grab consumers attention quickly and swiftly. Also marketing becomes a challenge  as it tends to be a tedious job when trying to out do competitors.

2. Technology:
technology itself poses a risk to ebusiness, simply because ecommerce is so dependent on it. Infrastructure problems, such as a server malfunctioning, can shut down a website. Likewise, viruses can delete valuable data, and software glitches can keep a site from working properly. Of course, outside attacks from hackers, who want to steal sensitive customer information or deface a site, is also a risk that ecommerce merchants must try to guard against

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